Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not bad

Embroidery done and fleece can tell I've done well with fleece project. More procrastination with dinner, facebook and blogging. Yippee! Blogging adds another layer to procrastination. I am my mother's child. Didn't I just accuse her of being a big procrastinator today? Whwn I told her about the fleece blanket project and how I'd avoided getting started she got her laugh of the day. Off to finish the project, unless something else pops up!

why oh why?

Every now and then I wonder if I need serious mental therapy. I am a quilter and I need to remind myself that. I agreed to make a fleece blanket with a co-worker's grandaughter's name on it. Only problem is that was in September for a Christmas gift. Hmmmm...procrastinator that I am guess what's not done? Spring break's next week and I went today to re-buy the binding I bought to make this blanket so Sandy can take it when she leaves to visit her daughter. Of course it's almost sping and a project that would take so little time to do isn't done. Did I mention I'm a quilter not a blanket maker. Guess I'll go make a blanket and learn to say no. Since I already lost the original binding I bought, I'll have to develop some organizational skills, too. Right after I make that blanket in a minute or so.